Yoga offerings

*Slow Flow- $10 Monday at 4pm at the St Patrick’s Parish Center- Liberty St, Rouses Point NY- message me to sign up

*Chair Yoga- $8 Monday 9am. In person at The Islands In The Sun, 547 South Main Street, Alburgh VT

Classes contain a little bit of everything, strengthening, stretching, breath work, meditation and laughter. Classes are beginner friendly and non-judgmental.

We are a really great and friendly group. We often joke and tell stories. Class is adapted to those who show up so every class is different. #notyourtypicalyogaclass 🙂

Chair Yoga-

Gently stretch and strengthen your body and improve balance with the use of a chair. Poses are done either sitting in or standing next to a chair.

What to expect in a chair yoga class: Usually we sit in a circle if space allows. We start class with some relaxation and breathing (pranayama) exercises. We’ll then begin warming up the spine, shoulders and arms. We move on to the rest of the body. If everyone is comfortable with standing, we will practice some balance and strength postures, using the chair for assistance if needed. Most of what we work on improve functions required in daily life, so don’t worry about trying to put your foot behind your head, we won’t be doing that in class. Class may also contain acupressure self massage or some EFT, Energy Freedom Technique (tapping). Every class ends with acupressure for the hands and then finally guided relaxation.

Our chair yoga class has a fun and inviting atmosphere. You will quickly feel at home.

Summer Chair Yoga at The Islands In The Sun
Summer 2017


chair yoga champlainClosing class with a “forest”  😉

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